A SAM Starter Template for Serverless Go Projects on AWS

A SAM Starter Template for Serverless Go Projects on AWS

A while back I created a repo on GitHub that was simply the output of doing sam init and choosing the AWS Quick Start Template for a Hello World Example.

From there, I simplified the SAM template.yml file a little, restructured the folder where all my Go code lives, and added a .devcontainer file to help with getting things working on GitHub Codespaces.

To start a new project locally, all you need to do is the following:

> mkdir your-project
> cd your-project
> sam init

From here, choose option 2 "Custom Template Location" and enter the repository URL ā€“ https://github.com/go-micah/go-serverless-sam-template

All this does is it downloads the files to your local machine, without cloning the repo, to be used as a starting point for a new project.

Did you know you can easily create your own templates for AWS SAM? Nice!