LIVE this Friday: Building Stuff on AWS in my Basement

LIVE this Friday: Building Stuff on AWS in my Basement
My basement office / lab / studio / desk

I'm gonna be doing a live-stream this Friday on Twitch. It will be just myself, sitting at the desk you see in the photo above, talking about building stuff on AWS for about 90 minutes.

I've been thinking of doing something like this for a while. Not a podcast, not a radio show, but a broadcast where I work my way through learning something new in front of an audience.

For this first show, I'm gonna keep it super simple and entry level. We will be discussing Go, the programming language I've been trying to learn over this past year, and how to get Go running on AWS Lambda. I will also get into the developer experience for the above and some useful tips and tricks you might not know about!

This is an experiment! Don't expect a nicely polished scene with neon rope lights in the background and a fake plant sitting on top of a brand new Ikea Kalax shelf. That's not this show. I'll do my best, and improve over time, and if it winds up being fun and useful, I may do it on a regular basis!

To tune in, mark your calendar for Friday, Feb 2, at 3:00pm ET, or just click this link to get a reminder.

I hope to see you there!
